Source code for pywwt.imagery

# Copyright 2021 the .NET Foundation
# Licensed under the three-clause BSD License

Utilities for dealing with WWT imagery collections.

The code in this module is fairly old and in need of updating. You won't need to
use its functionality directly if you're not a pywwt developer.

import re

from io import BytesIO
from collections import OrderedDict
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree

import requests

__all__ = [

[docs] def get_imagery_layers(url): """ Get the list of available image layers that can be used as background or foreground based on the URL to a WTML (WorldWide Telescope image collection file). Parameters ---------- url : `str` The URL of the image collection. """ available_layers = OrderedDict() # Get the XML describing the available surveys response = requests.get(url) assert response.ok b = BytesIO(response.content) e = ElementTree() t = e.parse(b) for survey in t.iter("ImageSet"): name = survey.attrib["Name"] thumbnail_url = survey.find("ThumbnailUrl") if thumbnail_url is not None: thumbnail_url = getattr(thumbnail_url, "text", None) or None available_layers[name] = {"thumbnail": thumbnail_url} return available_layers
[docs] class ImageryLayers: """ A supplemental class that standardizes layer names, sorts them by bandpass, and makes it possible to tab complete them. """ def __init__(self, layer_list): self._layers = {} self._spectrum = [ "gamma", "x", "uv", "visible", "ir", "micro", "radio", "other", ] self.integers = [ "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", ] for band in self._spectrum: self._layers[band] = {} self._list2dict(layer_list) def _list2dict(self, og_list): # Helps turn the list of layer names used to initialize the class # (og_list) into a dict. for layer in og_list: if"(?i)gamma", layer) is not None: self._add2dict(self._layers, layer, "gamma") continue # automatically advance to next iteration if"(?i)x(-|\s)?ray", layer) is not None: self._add2dict(self._layers, layer, "x") continue if ("(?i)ultra(-|\s)?violet", layer) is not None or"(?i)[^\d\w]+uv|uv[^\d\w]+", layer) is not None ): self._add2dict(self._layers, layer, "uv") continue if ("(?i)optical", layer) is not None or"(?i)visible", layer) is not None ): self._add2dict(self._layers, layer, "visible") continue if ("(?i)infrared", layer) is not None or"(?i)[^\d\w]+ir|ir[^\d\w]+", layer) is not None ): self._add2dict(self._layers, layer, "ir") continue if ("(?i)microwave", layer) is not None or"(?i)[^\d\w]+cmb|cmb[^\d\w]+", layer) is not None ): self._add2dict(self._layers, layer, "micro") continue if"(?i)radio", layer) is not None: self._add2dict(self._layers, layer, "radio") continue self._add2dict(self._layers, layer, "other") def _add2dict(self, diction, full_layer, bandpass): # Handles a layer's (full_layer) actual addition to the master # dict of layers (diction) according to its bandpass. suffix = "" short = self._shorten(full_layer) + suffix while short in diction[bandpass]: if suffix: suffix += 1 short = short[:-1] + str(suffix) else: suffix = 1 short += str(suffix) diction[bandpass][short] = {} diction[bandpass][short]["full_name"] = full_layer def _shorten(self, string): # Unlocks tab completion by shortening a full layer's name # (string) to a valid Python name based on its first word. cut_left ="^[_\W]+", string) if cut_left is not None: string = string[cut_left.end():] cut_right ="[_\W]", string) if cut_right is not None: string = string[: cut_right.start()].lower() digit ="^\d", string) if digit is not None: for i, num in enumerate(self.integers, 0): if str(i) == string = string[: digit.start()] + num + string[digit.end():] break return string def __dir__(self): return sorted(self._layers.keys()) def __getattr__(self, band): return Bandpass(self._layers[band])
[docs] class Bandpass: """ Allows the __getattr__() method from ImageryLayers to reach into the inner dict corresponding to layers of a particular bandpass. """ def __init__(self, band): self._band = band def __dir__(self): return sorted(self._band.keys()) def __getattr__(self, name): return self._band[name]["full_name"]