Source code for pywwt.utils

import numpy as np
import pytz
from import fits
from astropy.coordinates import ICRS
from astropy.time import Time
from datetime import datetime
from reproject import reproject_interp
from reproject.mosaicking import find_optimal_celestial_wcs

__all__ = ["sanitize_image"]

[docs] def sanitize_image(image, output_file, overwrite=False, hdu_index=None, **kwargs): """ Transform a FITS image so that it is in equatorial coordinates with a TAN projection and floating-point values, all of which are required to work correctly in WWT at the moment. Image can be a filename, an HDU, or a tuple of (array, WCS). """ # In case of a FITS file with more than one HDU, we need to choose one if isinstance(image, str): with as hdul: if hdu_index is not None: image = hdul[hdu_index] else: for hdu in hdul: if ( hasattr(hdu, "shape") and len(hdu.shape) > 1 and type(hdu) is not fits.hdu.table.BinTableHDU ): break image = hdu transform_to_wwt_supported_fits(image, output_file, overwrite) else: transform_to_wwt_supported_fits(image, output_file, overwrite)
def transform_to_wwt_supported_fits(image, output_file, overwrite): # Workaround because `reproject` currently only accepts 2D inputs. This is a # hack and it would be better to update reproject to do this processing. # Also, this logic is copy/pasting `toasty.collection.SimpleFitsCollection`. import warnings from reproject.utils import parse_input_data with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Sorry, Astropy, no one cares if you fixed the FITS. warnings.simplefilter("ignore") data, wcs = parse_input_data(image) if wcs.naxis != 2: if not wcs.has_celestial: raise Exception( f"cannot process input `{image}`: WCS cannot be reduced to 2D celestial" ) full_wcs = wcs wcs = full_wcs.celestial # note: get_axis_types returns axes in FITS order, innermost first keep_axes = [ t.get("coordinate_type") == "celestial" for t in full_wcs.get_axis_types()[::-1] ] for axnum, (keep, axlen) in enumerate(zip(keep_axes, data.shape)): if not keep and axlen != 1: # This is a non-celestial axis that we need to drop, but its # size is not one. So in principle the user should tell us which # plane to chose. We can't do that here, so just complain -- # that's better than giving a hard error since this way the user # can at least see *something*. warnings.warn( f"taking first plane (out of {axlen}) in non-celestial image axis #{axnum} in input `{image}`" ) data = data[tuple(slice(None) if k else 0 for k in keep_axes)] image = (data, wcs) # End workaround. wcs, shape_out = find_optimal_celestial_wcs([image], frame=ICRS(), projection="TAN") array = reproject_interp(image, wcs, shape_out=shape_out, return_footprint=False) fits.writeto( output_file, array.astype(np.float32), wcs.to_header(), overwrite=overwrite ) def validate_traits(cls, traits): """ Helper function to ensure user-provided trait names match those of the class they're being used to instantiate. """ mismatch = [key for key in traits if key not in cls.trait_names()] if mismatch: raise KeyError( "Key{0} {1} do{2}n't match any layer trait name".format( "s" if len(mismatch) > 1 else "", mismatch, "" if len(mismatch) > 1 else "es", ) ) def ensure_utc(tm, str_allowed): """ Helper function to convert a time object (Time, datetime, or UTC string if str_allowed == True) into UTC before passing it to WWT. str_allowed is True for wwt.set_current_time ( and False for TableLayer's 'time_att' implementation ( """ if tm is None: utc_tm = datetime.utcnow().astimezone(pytz.UTC).isoformat() elif isinstance(tm, datetime): if tm.tzinfo is None: utc_tm = pytz.utc.localize(tm).isoformat() elif tm.tzinfo == pytz.UTC: utc_tm = tm.isoformat() else: # has a non-UTC time zone utc_tm = tm.astimezone(pytz.UTC).isoformat() elif isinstance(tm, Time): utc_tm = tm.to_datetime(pytz.UTC).isoformat() else: if str_allowed: # is an ISOT string dt = Time(tm, format="isot").to_datetime(pytz.UTC) utc_tm = dt.isoformat() else: raise ValueError("Time must be a datetime or astropy.Time object") return utc_tm