WWT's Jupyter widget ==================== While we recommend `combining WWT with JupyterLab using the "research app" `_, pywwt also provides a traditional `Jupyter widget `__ that can be embedded directly in your Python notebooks. You can create the WWT widget with the following code:: In [1]: from pywwt.jupyter import WWTJupyterWidget In [2]: wwt = WWTJupyterWidget() ...: wwt This will then look like: .. image:: images/jupyter.jpg Once the WorldWide Telescope widget is visible, you can start to interact with the ``wwt`` object in the next cell of the notebook. You can find out more about interacting with this object in :doc:`settings` and :doc:`annotations`. See also the API documentation of the :class:`~pywwt.jupyter.WWTJupyterWidget` class. .. note:: If the widget appears with a vertical scrollbar, you can remove it and show the whole viewer at once by clicking on the left side of the cell that holds the widget.