Source code for pywwt.jupyter

# This file contains the definition of the Python part of the WWT Jupyter
# widget. Note that we don't tag each trait from BaseWWTWidget as sync=True
# because we instead use JSON messages to transmit any changes between the
# Python and Javascript parts so that we can re-use this for the Qt client.

import ipywidgets as widgets
import numpy as np
from traitlets import Unicode, default, link, directional_link

from ipyevents import Event as DOMListener
from ipykernel.comm import Comm

from .core import BaseWWTWidget, DataPublishingNotAvailableError
from .layers import ImageLayer
from .logger import logger
from .jupyter_relay import get_relay_hub

__all__ = ["WWTJupyterWidget", "WWTLabApplication", "connect_to_app"]

_npm_version = "0.0.0-dev.0"  # cranko internal-req npm:pywwt
VIEW_MODULE_VERSION = _npm_version

R2D = 180 / np.pi
R2H = 12 / np.pi

dom_listener = DOMListener()

[docs] @widgets.register class WWTJupyterWidget(widgets.DOMWidget, BaseWWTWidget): """ A WorldWide Telescope (WWT) Jupyter widget. Parameters ---------- hide_all_chrome : optional `bool` Configures the WWT frontend to hide all user-interface "chrome". app_url : optional `str` The URL from which to load the WWT "research app" web application. By default, this points to a copy of the application bundled with pywwt and made available through the WWT Kernel Data Relay system. If you know that your Jupyter notebook server definitely has pywwt installed as a server extension, you can specify ``"/wwtstatic/research/"`` here to get a version loaded directly from the server, which will be somewhat more reliable if you're doing tricky things with widgets and restarting your kernels a lot. You can also specify an absolute URL, such as ``""``, which is the canonical location for the WWT-hosted version of the app — although at the moment we can't think of any good reason to use it here. If the URL given here does not contain a protocol (``https://...``), it will be combined with the Jupyter server's "base URL". """ _view_name = Unicode("WWTView").tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode("WWTModel").tag(sync=True) _view_module = Unicode("pywwt").tag(sync=True) _model_module = Unicode("pywwt").tag(sync=True) _view_module_version = Unicode(VIEW_MODULE_VERSION).tag(sync=True) _model_module_version = Unicode(MODEL_MODULE_VERSION).tag(sync=True) _appUrl = Unicode("").tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, hide_all_chrome=False, app_url=None): # Set up Kernel Data Relay expedited message processing. _maybe_perpetrate_mega_kernel_hack() # Serve the bundled app by default. Regardless of whether we're using # that or a user-specified value, the JS frontend will automagically # prepend the Jupyter base URL if needed so that the client always gets # an absolute URL. if app_url is None: hub = get_relay_hub() app_url = hub.get_static_files_url() + "research/" self._appUrl = app_url widgets.DOMWidget.__init__(self) dom_listener.source = self dom_listener.prevent_default_action = True dom_listener.watched_events = ["wheel"] self._controls = None self.on_msg(self._on_ipywidgets_message) BaseWWTWidget.__init__(self, hide_all_chrome=hide_all_chrome) def _on_ipywidgets_message(self, widget, content, buffers): """ Called when we receive a "custom" ipywidgets message. NOTE: because this code is run asynchronously in Jupyter's comms architecture, exceptions and printouts don't get reported to the user -- they just disappear. I don't know if there's a "right" way to address that. """ # Special message from the ipywidgets bridge to indicate # when the first widget view is ready to accept messages. if content.get("type") == "wwt_jupyter_widget_status": self._on_app_status_change(alive=content["alive"]) self._on_app_message_received(content) def _actually_send_msg(self, payload): """ Send a message to the app. In ipywidgets this is easy. """ self.send(payload) @default("layout") def _default_layout(self): return widgets.Layout(height="400px", align_self="stretch") def _serve_file(self, filename, extension=""): return get_relay_hub().serve_file(filename, extension=extension) def _create_image_layer(self, **kwargs): """Returns a specialized subclass of ImageLayer that has some extra hooks for creating UI control points. """ return JupyterImageLayer(parent=self, **kwargs) @property def layer_controls(self): if self._controls is None: opacity_slider = widgets.FloatSlider( value=self.foreground_opacity, min=0, max=1, readout=False ) foreground_menu = widgets.Dropdown( options=self.available_layers, value=self.foreground ) background_menu = widgets.Dropdown( options=self.available_layers, value=self.background ) link((opacity_slider, "value"), (self, "foreground_opacity")) link((foreground_menu, "value"), (self, "foreground")) link((background_menu, "value"), (self, "background")) self._controls = widgets.HBox( [background_menu, opacity_slider, foreground_menu] ) return self._controls
class JupyterImageLayer(ImageLayer): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._controls = None super(JupyterImageLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def controls(self): from .layers import VALID_STRETCHES, UI_COLORMAPS if self._controls is not None: return self._controls opacity = widgets.FloatSlider( description="Opacity:", value=self.opacity, min=0, max=1, readout=False, step=0.01, layout={"width": "200px"}, ) link((self, "opacity"), (opacity, "value")) stretch = widgets.Dropdown( description="Stretch:", options=VALID_STRETCHES, value=self.stretch, layout={"width": "200px"}, ) link((self, "stretch"), (stretch, "value")) # NB, this will crash if `self.cmap` is not one of our allowed values reverse_ui_colormaps = dict((kv[1], kv[0]) for kv in UI_COLORMAPS.items()) colormap = widgets.Dropdown( description="Colormap:", options=UI_COLORMAPS.keys(), value=reverse_ui_colormaps[], layout={"width": "200px"}, ) directional_link((colormap, "label"), (self, "cmap"), lambda x: UI_COLORMAPS[x]) directional_link( (self, "cmap"), (colormap, "label"), lambda x: reverse_ui_colormaps[] ) vrange = widgets.FloatRangeSlider( description="Fine min/max:", value=[self.vmin, self.vmax], min=self._data_min, max=self._data_max, readout=True, layout={"width": "600px"}, step=(self.vmax - self.vmin) / 100, format=".3g", ) # Linkage must be manual since vrange uses a pair of values whereas we # have two separate traitlets. vrange.observe(self._vrange_slider_updated, names=["value"]) def update_vrange(change): # Note: when this function is called, these values are indeed updated. vrange.value = (self.vmin, self.vmax) self.observe(update_vrange, names=["vmin", "vmax"]) def update_step(change): vrange.step = (vrange.max - vrange.min) / 100 vrange.observe(update_step, names=["min", "max"]) coarse_min = widgets.FloatText( description="Coarse min:", value=self._data_min, layout={"width": "300px"} ) link((coarse_min, "value"), (vrange, "min")) coarse_max = widgets.FloatText( description="Coarse max:", value=self._data_max, layout={"width": "300px"} ) link((coarse_max, "value"), (vrange, "max")) self._controls = widgets.VBox( [ widgets.HBox([colormap, stretch, opacity]), widgets.HBox([coarse_min, coarse_max]), vrange, ] ) return self._controls def _vrange_slider_updated(self, change): self.vmin, self.vmax = change["new"]
[docs] class WWTLabApplication(BaseWWTWidget): """ A handle the WWT JupyterLab application. While other parts of pywwt create "widgets", bound to variables running inside Python notebooks, this class represents a connection to the standalone "application", which exists in JupyterLab independently of any one specific notebook. The Python API is the same, it's just that the JSON messages we send are routed to the separate application rather than our own iframe. """ _comm = None _controls = None _relayAvailable = False def __init__(self): _maybe_perpetrate_mega_kernel_hack() self._comm = Comm(target_name="@wwtelescope/jupyterlab:research", data={}) self._comm.on_msg(self._on_comm_message_received) super(WWTLabApplication, self).__init__() def _on_comm_message_received(self, msg): """ Called when we receive a comms message. NOTE: because this code is run asynchronously in Jupyter's comms architecture, exceptions and printouts don't get reported to the user -- they just disappear. I don't know if there's a "right" way to address that. """ payload = msg["content"]["data"] ptype = payload.get("type") # Special message from the hub indicating app liveness status if ptype == "wwt_jupyter_viewer_status": self._on_app_status_change(alive=payload["alive"]) # don't return -- maybe someone downstream can use this, and message # processing needs to handle all sorts of unexpected messages anyway elif ptype == "wwt_jupyter_startup_info": self._relayAvailable = payload.get("dataRelayConfirmedAvailable", False) return self._on_app_message_received(payload) def _actually_send_msg(self, payload): self._comm.send(payload) def _serve_file(self, filename, extension=""): if not self._relayAvailable: raise DataPublishingNotAvailableError( "Unable to complete this operation because it relies on " "data relay services that are not available. Ensure that " "your Jupyter server has the `wwt_kernel_data_relay` package " "installed." ) return get_relay_hub().serve_file(filename, extension=extension) def _serve_tree(self, path): if not self._relayAvailable: raise DataPublishingNotAvailableError( "Unable to complete this operation because it relies on " "data relay services that are not available. Ensure that " "your Jupyter server has the `wwt_kernel_data_relay` package " "installed." ) return get_relay_hub().serve_tree(path) def _create_image_layer(self, **kwargs): """Returns a specialized subclass of ImageLayer that has some extra hooks for creating UI control points. """ return JupyterImageLayer(parent=self, **kwargs) @property def layer_controls(self): if self._controls is None: opacity_slider = widgets.FloatSlider( value=self.foreground_opacity, min=0, max=1, readout=False ) foreground_menu = widgets.Dropdown( options=self.available_layers, value=self.foreground ) background_menu = widgets.Dropdown( options=self.available_layers, value=self.background ) link((opacity_slider, "value"), (self, "foreground_opacity")) link((foreground_menu, "value"), (self, "foreground")) link((background_menu, "value"), (self, "background")) self._controls = widgets.HBox( [background_menu, opacity_slider, foreground_menu] ) return self._controls
[docs] def connect_to_app(): """ Connect to a WWT application running inside a JupyterLab computational environment. This is your preferred gateway to using WWT in JupyterLab. For the time being, you must have opened the WorldWide Telescope app inside JupyterLab. You can do this by clicking the large WWT icon in the JupyterLab launcher, or by invoking the "WorldWide Telescope" command. You can open the JupyterLab command palette by typing Control/Command-Shift-C. The traditional way to use WWT in a JupyterLab notebook is with the following commands in their own cell:: from pywwt.jupyter import connect_to_app wwt = await connect_to_app().becomes_ready() Once you have this *wwt* variable, you can control WWT using all of the commands defined on the :class:`~pywwt.jupyter.WWTLabApplication` class. Returns ------- app : :class:`~pywwt.jupyter.WWTLabApplication` A connection to the WWT application running in JupyterLab. """ # This function just exists because it seems nicer from a UX standpoint to # have the user call a function with this name, than to create a "connection # object". return WWTLabApplication()
def _maybe_perpetrate_mega_kernel_hack(): """ OK. So. The Python code running in this process is communicating with the WWT JavaScript frontend, which is running in another process that is possibly on the other side of the internet. Various WWT operations such as loading imagery need that frontend to perform web requests and the like. So much of what we want to do is just inherently asynchronous. Which is OK! We require sufficiently new Python that we can rely on async/await being available, and the Jupyter infrastructure is extremely async-friendly. Except that we have a problem. When our process is running inside Jupyter, all code executions are inherently triggered by "shell messages" telling the kernel to run some code. Shell messages are also used for Jupyter's "comms" infrastructure, which is how kernels get updates from the WWT frontend(s) about things that are going on. The problem is that the Python Jupyter kernels only process shell messages *sequentially*: while message evaluation can be asynchronous, they can't be evaluated simultaneously. So if we've got asynchronous user code that's attempting to do stuff with pywwt, we can't receive any updates from WWT while that code is running. This fundamentally breaks our ability to allow users to write code that interacts with WWT asynchronously. Our mega-hack solution is to allow some shell messages to be marked for "expedited" processing. We hack the kernel so that such messages can be processed even while another shell message -- such as an execution request -- is being dealt with. This breaks the logjam. Expedited messages have the following structure: { 'content': { '_pywwtExpedite': true } } This allows ipywidgets custom messages to be marked for expedited processing, which we need for our ipywidget support. To amp up the debugging spew so that you can see what's going on inside the kernel (which is captured in the Jupyter Server output), run: ``` import ipykernel.kernelbase ipykernel.kernelbase.Kernel.instance().log.setLevel('DEBUG') ``` Please forgive me. """ try: _maybe_perpetrate_mega_kernel_hack_inner() except Exception: logger.exception("failed to set up Jupyter kernel async hack") def _maybe_perpetrate_mega_kernel_hack_inner(): import asyncio import inspect import ipykernel.kernelbase kernel = ipykernel.kernelbase.Kernel.instance() orig_schedule_dispatch = kernel.schedule_dispatch if getattr(kernel, "_pywwt_mega_hack_installed", False): return # If asyncio doesn't think that there's a running event loop, we don't seem # to be running as a client of a full-on Jupyter server. In which case, play # it safe and don't do anything. try: asyncio.get_running_loop() except RuntimeError: return # OK, it looks like we should try to do this ... async def dispatch_one_expedited_shell_message(idents, msg): """ A bastardized version of `kernel.dispatch_shell`. Our arguments will be the result of `kernel.session.feed_identities`. Expedited shell messages have to be processed as straightforwardly as possible since their processing can happen while other shell message processing is happening. The kernel code is *not* build to handle the recursive-y, race-y things that can happen in this situation. So we avoid all function calls that we can possible get away with skipping. No set_parent, no should_handle, etc. """ try: msg = kernel.session.deserialize(msg, content=True, copy=False) except Exception: kernel.log.error("Invalid Expedited Message (pywwt)", exc_info=True) return msg_type = msg["header"]["msg_type"] handler = kernel.shell_handlers.get(msg_type, None) if handler is None: kernel.log.warning("Unknown expedited message type (pywwt): %r", msg_type) else: kernel.log.debug("expedited (pywwt) %s: %s", msg_type, msg) try: result = handler(kernel.shell_stream, idents, msg) if inspect.isawaitable(result): kernel.log.error( "Expedited message (pywwt) produce an awaitable result" ) except Exception: kernel.log.error( "Exception in expedited message handler (pywwt):", exc_info=True ) def pywwt_schedule_shell_dispatch_with_expedite(*args): """ A replacement of `kernel.schedule_dispatch` for shell messages. This peeks inside the message and triggers expedited processing if called for. If there are any issues, we fall back to regular processing. """ expedited_it = False try: (msg,) = args idents, msg = kernel.session.feed_identities(msg, copy=False) # We can't deserialize() here: each message can only be deserialized once # due to the replay prevention framework. peek_content = kernel.session.unpack(msg[4].bytes) expedite_flag = ( peek_content.get("data", {}).get("content", {}).get("_pywwtExpedite") ) if expedite_flag: kernel.io_loop.add_callback( dispatch_one_expedited_shell_message, idents, msg ) expedited_it = True finally: if not expedited_it: orig_schedule_dispatch(kernel.dispatch_shell, *args) kernel.shell_stream.on_recv(pywwt_schedule_shell_dispatch_with_expedite, copy=False) kernel._pywwt_mega_hack_installed = True logger.debug("installed Jupyter kernel message expedite hack")